Coating Corrosion

• Low Power Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n)
• USB port 3.0
• APP works with iOS platform
• Includes 2000-8000mAh
• Supports 4-16 pins probe

Cloud Connectivity

The sensor communicates using WiFi Protocols (IEEE 802.11b/g/n). A keep feature of our WiFi communication is that it supports a myriad of encryption including WEP, WPA/WPA2, PEAP, EAPTLS.

Therefore, our sensors can easily operate in any corporate or enterprise network. On board data storage with the store-and-forward feature prevents any data loss in case of network problems. Use of WiFi eliminates the need for any gateway device. The sensors can communicate directly to the Cloud.

Remote Monitoring

From the cloud the sensors data is moved to a dashboard for data visualization, alerting and reporting. Alerting engine includes emails and text messages with escalations. Custom reporting features, for any particular domain, can be created on the dashboard.

Another unique feature of the dashboard is to track annual sensor certifications and validation procedures. In addition the ability to visualize assets and its maintenance procedures is very useful. Custom workflows can be implemented.

The IoT cloud platform is unique because it has an ingestion engine that supports virtually unlimited number of sensors across a distributed network over many locations. An additional benefit of this platform is the possibility for users to develop prediction models for a particular use case using the AI and machine learning modules.

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